to nick who had created this excellent website which i hope to continue the fantastic images and stories he had included....well i hope we can get a even bigger subscriber list and also want you to send me some ideas of what you want included or send me some images to include and ill publish them for you...im also thinking of running a competion on rated images of our subscribers and the winner will receive a bundle of dvd's but thats in the pipeline for the future so watch this space..who knows what will happen...i would appreciate your comments as well and hope that you enjoy what will be cumming soon!!
enjoy guys !!!
wayne...from london xxxx
Hey Guys,
Well I’ve found someone new to take over the blog! I’ll let him tell you who he is. Best of wishes to everyone!
Hi Guys,
I’m not able to manage this blog anymore. Its brand new but its had a really good start so I’m looking for someone to take it over.
EMAIL ME AT behindthegaydoor@gmail.com if you would like to have this blog for your very own.
Comes complete with subscribers, traffic, and reporting.
Hey Guys,
Some strange circumstances have come up since last night and I will no longer be able to manage Behind the Gay Door. The blog is just getting started but it has really good bones so I’m hoping someone can take it over for me.
If you're interested please send me an email and I will pass along all of the login in info for the blog, analytics, feedburner, mixmap, etc.
Nick Winters
Content Notice
Behind the Gay Door does not claim rights to any photographs, artwork or videos contained in this blog. If you are the owner of any content displayed on Behind the Gay Door, please email for credit or removal of materials.